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University or Apprenticeships? Is Your Child Getting a Balanced View?

teacher tutoring students careeer adviceNews from the Telegraph this month suggests that teachers are being pushed into suggesting young people follow a path to university instead of more vocational routes.

Pressure on teachers to push teenagers towards A-levels and university is to satisfy official league tables, according to research by the Sutton Trust charity. The study shows that almost two thirds of teachers “rarely or never” give pupils the option of learning a trade as an alternative to a higher education course.

This is despite claims from parents that a large increase in the number of school leavers going on to university has “devalued the degree in the jobs market”.

How can you ensure that your child is getting the right careers advice? With pressure on teachers and schools to fulfil careers advice obligations but with reduced budgets, and a limited knowledge, will your child fulfil their true potential?

Parents themselves admit their limited knowledge, and the study suggested that parents were largely in the dark about the alternatives open to their children at the age of 18.

So, where can you go to find careers advice that offers a truly objective view, tailored to your child’s motivations and strengths?

An independent career service, such as Career Analysts, can help your child decide what they want to do, what will fulfil them, and the best route to that dream role.

Our independent careers advice service helps you and your child pinpoint motivations much better than standard career information  – we measure factors individually using psychometric questionnaires and one-on-one consultations with skilled careers advisors, culminating in a series of suggestions that can be eliminated until a few practical and suitable career options remain.

The aim of our programme is to identify your child’s real potential, unearth their skill sets and sieve through their options for further education, university and their future career. We provide a completely objective, professional careers counselling service utilising careful assessment followed by objective, professional careers advice which they can trust as unbiased. It can give your child a real boost to self-confidence reassuring them in their ability to achieve their education and career goals, aligned with their interests, personality and abilities.

At Careers Analysts, we have worked with thousands of young people, from GCSE and A Levels Choices to those nerve wracking first interviews after university. We know that each person is different, with varying aptitudes, skills, weaknesses and ambition. The key to a happy and fulfilling career is motivation and happiness, and one size does not fit all.

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