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Is it just parents and schools that have responsibility for our children’s careers?

An interesting article in the Telegraph recently focused on youth unemployment statistics, and the role of business in helping young people get the roles and first steps they deserve.

Nearly one in four of 16-24 year-olds is unemployed, but who is at fault? Blame often gets put on schools and parents, but what about the role of business?

Business are often looking for experience before they hire, but for young people on the very first rung of their career, whether they have spent time in further education or not, this can be very difficult to get hold of. Could businesses not loosen their requirements, hire through skills and motivations rather than a list of roles and think to the future rather than corporate check boxes?

To support your child and young person while they look for their first ‘proper’ job, you need to be prepared for these sorts of hurdles – lack of experience is just one barrier to getting a job, as the majority of young people in the UK would agree!

Other barriers include competition for jobs, especially from older people with more experience, a lack of life experience, and also a lack of awareness about industry sectors, types of jobs and entry points. Young people also do not necessarily have the knack for presenting themselves, which comes from experience.

So how can you help your child?

You can use your own experience to:

  • Help them with their CV
  • Use role play or work through any potential tricky questions that might come up at interviews
  • Research their preferred industry
  • Make contact with likely routes into work or just work experience to get them started
  • Encourage them to use their own skills – presentation through a unique website or social media presence can help you get noticed!

Need more help?

Careers Analysts have a dedicated programme for young people, helping them find their true motivations, likes and dislikes and key skills in the confusing world of work. With our unique combination of psychometric tests, consultation with experienced Occupational Psychologists, aptitude testing and vocational guidance sessions, our programmes are tailor-made for needs of your child. We understand the job market, how it works, and how your child can get a dream career that will truly fulfill them.

To find out more, contact us today



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